
Gibberellin Assay

Gibberellins (GA) is a plant hormone involved chiefly in shoot extension. As a plant growth regulator, GA have been widely used in agricultural production and played an important role in promoting seed germination, stalk elongation, fruit development, and improving plant stress tolerance. Our Gibberellin Assay offers late 2023.

Technology Introduction

GA can promote plant cell elongation, stem elongation, leaf expansion, accelerated growth and development, early crop maturation, and increase yield or improve quality; it can break dormancy and promote germination; reduce organ abscission, improve fruit set or form seedless fruits, etc. Metware Biotechnology has established a method for the analysis of gibberellins based on LC-MS/MS platform with the isotopic internal standard for absolute quantification of 16 GAs for basic life science research.


Technical Features of Gibberellin Assay

Quantitative Accuracy
  • 11 types of internal standards are used to monitor the whole extraction and detection process.

  • The RSD of 80% of substances less than 20% in three technical replicates, and 100% of them RSD are less than 30%.

  • The derivatization process improves the separation and sensitivity of different kinds of erythromycin detection.

  • The gibberellin detection line reaches 1.05pg/mL and the lower limit of quantification reaches 3.50pg/mL.

Rigorous Quality Control

18 kinds of erythromycin assays, covering the main substances on the pathway.

High Recognition

The method has been published by customers in more than 100 articles in Nat Commun, Plant Cell, PNAs, Plant Journal, Plant Physiology, Molecular Plant, Scientific Reports, Nature plant, and other journals.


Applications of Gibberellin Assay Service

  • Promoting stem elongation;
  • Regulating the process of seed germination;
  • Promoting the development of floral organs;
  • Regulating the development of meristem;
  • Regulation of abiotic and biotic stresses;
  • Interacting with other hormones Actions.
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Project Workflow of Gibberellin Assay Service


Examples of Gibberellin Functions

Subdivision Compound Genes or cell proteins Function Species References
Trichome formation GibberellinA9 SlbHLH95/Sl
Positive regulation of the formation of trichome Tomato Overexpression of bHLH95, a basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor family member, impacts trichome formation via regulating gibberellin
biosynthesis in tomato
Florescence Gibberellin DELLA/FT/
Promotion of plant flowering Arabidopsis thaliana New insights into gibberellin signaling in regulating flowering in Arabidopsis
Tiller and plant height Gibberellin MOC1/SLR1/
Resulting in stem elongation and reduced number of tillers Rice SLR1 inhibits MOC1 degradation to coordinate tiller number and plant height in rice
Endosperm development Gibberellin acid GA20ox/
Promotion of seed elongation Rice Phytohormone dynamics in developing endosperm influence rice grain shape and quality
Seed germination GibberellinA4 mGA3ox1/Gm
Shade environment is regulating GA synthesis Soybean Shading in mother plant during seed development promotes subsequent seed germination in soybean
Gibberellin acid REVEILLE1/
Dormancy control and germination promotion Arabidopsis thaliana Interplay between REVEILLE1 and RGA-LIKE2 regulates seed dormancy and germination in Arabidopsis
Gibberellin acid GASA4、
Antagonizing the inhibitory effect of melatonin on seed germination Arabidopsis thaliana Melatonin inhibits seed germination by crosstalk with abscisic acid, gibberellin, and auxin in Arabidopsis
Blue Light GibberellinA3 CRYs/DELLA
Promoting photomorphic construction of plants Arabidopsis thaliana Blue light-dependent interactions of CRY1 with GID1and DELLA proteins regulate gibberellin signaling and photomorphogenesis in Arabidopsis
Floods GibberellinA1、GibberellinA4 ACE1/ACL1/
Promoting internode elongation Rice Antagonistic regulation of the gibberellic acid response during stem growth in rice
Glycosylation(leaf regeneration) GibberellinA3 PtoWRKY 42
Not significantly correlated with shoot regeneration Mao Baiyang Integration of genome wide association studies and co-expression networks reveal roles of PtoWRKY 42-PtoUGT76C1-1 in trans-zeatin metabolism and cytokinin sensitivity in poplar



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