
Plant Hormone Assay

what is a phytohormone?
Phytohormone is also known as plant natural hormone or plant endogenous hormone. It refers to some trace organic compounds produced in plants that can regulate (promote or inhibit) their own physiological processes. Based on LC-MS/MS technology, Metware Biotechnology has developed a professional method for the plant hormone analysis detection, covering 108 kinds, such as ABA, Auxin, CK, Ethylene, GA, JA, SA and SL.

Advantages in MetwareBio's Phytohormone Assay

1. Complete Variety
108 kinds of plant hormones can be detected;
2. High Sensitivity
Using AB Sciex QTRAP 6500 LC-MS platform, The sensitivity can reach ng/mL level.;
3. Absolute Quantitation
we possess 108 phyhormone chemical standard and 35 isotope internal standards;
4. Extensive Experience
More than 2000 project experiences covering 500+ species, and have been published in Cell, Nature Communications, The Plant Journal and other journals;
5. Quantitative Accuracy
External standard + internal standard method, linear relationship of the standard curve is above 0.99.

Applications of Plant Hormone Assay

  • Research on pant growth, reproduction and development (differentiation, maturation, aging, apoptosis etc.) ;
  • Abiotic stress research (drought resistance, cold resistance, etc.); n
  • Biological stress response research (disease and insect resistance, etc);
  • Plant hormone interactions.
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Plant Hormone Assay FAQs

What are the plant hormone assay methods? What are the differences between them?
What are the characteristics of plant hormones?

A. Endogenous: Metabolites are formed by the induction of specific environmental information within the cells during plant life activities.

B. Mobility: Plant hormones have a long-distance transportation effect, and their speed and mode of movement vary with the type of hormone and the characteristics of plant organs.

C. Trace amount: Plant hormones have obvious physiological effects at very low concentrations.

Are the plant hormones analysis detected in free form or binding form?

The phytohormones that we studied come in both free form and binding form, which naturally occur in plants. The difference between the two in terms of chemical structure is whether there are covalently-bound small molecules. Those with small molecules are in binding forms, such as CK-O-glucopyranoside, and those without are in free form. The binding of small molecules not only changes the chemical structure of the hormone but, in most cases, leads to a decrease in hormone activity to complete inactivation. The binding form of plant hormones is generally regarded as physiologically inactive.

I have not measured phytohormones before and I don't know which phytohormones to measure?

Phytohormone assay play a crucial role in controlling a variety of growth and development processes as well as how plants react to their environment. They are necessary signaling molecules that enable plants to sense changes in their environment from the outside, control their own growth, withstand harsh conditions, and maintain survival. Specific interactions also exist between several planthormones metabolomics. You may choose to detect all detectable hormones or select a subset with major functions to focus on, such as SA and JA for the study of pest and disease resistance, ABA for the study of drought resistance, GAs and ABA for the study of seed germination, and IAA, ABA, CK, GA, and BR for the study of plant growth status.

Why do some phytohormone must be measured separately? Can't they be all measured together?

Sample pre-processing in a critical stage in detecting and quantifying plant hormone metabolites, and different hormone compounds require different of pre-processing. For hormones with extremely low amounts, special care must be taken during pre-processing as typical procedure will result in significant quantity losses and cannot effectively remove impurities, and will greatly obstructs the phytohormone detection process and prevents the real data from being obtained.

What is the relationship between H2JA and JA?

H2JA has no relevant information in KEGG, but H2JA is a derivative of JA. 

Related cases:

A.Signaling in the elicitation process is mediated through the octadecanoid pathway leading to jasmonic acid.

B.Biochemical characterization of an Arabidopsis glucosyltransferase with high activity toward Jasmonic acid.

Demo Final Report Of Plant Hormone

Demo Final Report Of Plant Hormone
Plant Hormones List of Metabolites for Each Plant Hormone Assay
Products Compounds List Project Cycle

Phytohormone family bucket (108 compounds)

ABA category(3)/GA category(18)/Auxin category(27)/

JA category(11)/Ck category(40)/SA category(6)/

Ethylene category(1)/SL category(2)

GAs (18 compounds)



Note: Due to the extremely low levels of phytohormones is normal to have undetected conditions(the phytohormone level in the sample is below the detection limit)


Sample Requirements of Plant Hormone Assay

Sample Requirements Biological Replicates
Plant fresh tissue ≥300 mg(such as stem/bud/node/leaf/-root/flower/fruit/callus, etc.) ≥3



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