

Post-PAG31 Metabolomics Insights

Apr 24, 2024
Thank you for connecting at PAG31! We enjoyed engaging with both valued collaborators and new faces passionate about MetwareBio's innovations.

Analyzing Specific Research Ideas on Environmental Exposure Metabolome

Apr 24, 2024
This continuation delves deeper into specific research concepts associated with environmental exposure. We present three instances of multi-omics studies on environmental exposure, focusing on metabolomic investigations.

Exploring the Deep Connection Between Lung Cancer and Fatty Acid Metabolism

Apr 24, 2024
Through this article, we will explore the roles of fatty acid uptake, synthesis, storage, and oxidation in lung cancer, and how they influence tumor growth and spread, with the ultimate goal of providing more precise and effective treatment options for patients.

Unraveling Cancer with Cutting-Edge Omics: MetwareBio at AACR 2024

Apr 24, 2024
Visit MetwareBio's booth #4245! Unlocking thrilling insights in proteomics, metabolomics, lipidomics, and multi-omics joint analysis for your cancer research.

Exploring Energy Metabolism: The Role of Targeted Metabolomics in Cancer Research

Apr 24, 2024
In the realm of cancer research, understanding the intricate dynamics of energy metabolism has become increasingly crucial. Energy metabolism, the process by which cells obtain and utilize energy, pla...

Metabolomics in Cancer Research Unraveling the Metabolic Landscape

Apr 24, 2024
Cancer research has come a long way in understanding the complexities of this devastating disease. Metabolomics, a powerful omics approach, has emerged as a valuable tool in cancer research, providing...

Metabolomics in Seafood and Meats Research

Apr 24, 2024
5th Industrializing Cultivated Meats and Seafood Summit is happening this week in Boston (MA). It is focused on the bioprocessing challenges and the advancement of cultivated meat and seafood producti...

Metabolomics: Environmental Exposure Impact on Health Hazards

Apr 24, 2024
Environmental pollution plays a critical role in chronic diseases, and metabolomics offers a powerful tool to decipher its impact on human health.

Metabolic classification reveals new target in chemotherapy-resistant pancreatic cancer

Apr 24, 2024
We are very pleased to share the chemotherapy-resistant pancreatic cancer study published in Cell Reports Medicine Journal. The authors of "Metabolic classification suggests the GLUT1/ALDOB/G6PD ...

Metabolomics in Alzheimer's Disease: Pathogenesis and Sample Types

Apr 24, 2024
Alzheimer's Disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative condition with a subtle onset. Clinically, it manifests through a range of dementia symptoms, including memory impairment, aphasia, apra...

MetwareBio Amino Acid Metabolomics : Precision, Coverage, and Stability

Apr 24, 2024
Experience the benefits of MetwareBio's targeted amino acid metabolomics – extensive coverage of 94 amino acids and their derivatives, high stability, and seasoned expertise.

Metabolomics in Alzheimer's Disease

Apr 24, 2024
Alzheimer's disease (AD) represents a significant challenge in healthcare due to its prevalence among the elderly and its substantial economic burden. Early diagnosis of AD is crucial, especially ...

Buckwheat Metabolome - New Publication

Apr 24, 2024
New publication on buckwheat metabolome study related to plant domestication is using widely-targeted metabolomics and GWAS

Bile Acid Research strategy

Apr 24, 2024
1. Introduction to bile acidsBile acids are exclusively synthesized in the liver, the only organ harboring the enzymes required for bile acid synthesis. They can be categorized into two groups based o...

Guidelines for Collecting Ten Common Types of Samples

Apr 24, 2024
The accuracy and reproducibility of microbiological research are heavily dependent on the proper collection, storage, and handling of samples. Inadequate procedures can introduce biases and compromise...

High Reproducibility of Widely-Targeted Metabolomics

Apr 24, 2024
Widely-targeted metabolomics is essentially a combination of two assays. First, untargeted metabolomics using high-resolution mass spectrometer is performed to collect primary and secondary mass spect...

Pioneer of Widely-Targeted Metabolomics

Apr 24, 2024
Metware’s proprietary Widely-Targeted Metabolomics is profiled in the May issue of MetaboNews. We would like to highlight here some of the basics and major benefits of this technology. Metabolomics h...

Thousands of Metabolites with One Assay

Apr 24, 2024
Last week our proprietary approach of Widely-Targeted Metabolomics was profiled in the May Issue of MetaboNews, and we shared some of the technology benefits in our previous article. We have discussed...

Jujube Fruit Metabolomics Study

Apr 24, 2024
We are very pleased to share the recent jujube fruit metabolomics study published in Plants Journal (this is an Open Access publication). The authors of “Jujube Fruit Metabolomic Profiles Reveal Cult...

Metabolomics of Plant Pigmentation: Exploring the Rich Tapestry of Natural Colors

Apr 24, 2024
The natural world boasts a dazzling spectrum of colors, extending far beyond the ubiquitous green we associate with plant life. From the vibrant reds and oranges to the calming blues and regal purples...
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