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ASMS 2024: Join Us for Innovations in Mass Spectrometry

The MetwareBio team is gearing up for the 72nd ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics happening in Anaheim, California, USA from June 2nd to 6th, 2024. We're excited to connect with the mass spectrometry community, showcase our latest advancements, and discuss how we can empower your research.


Visit MetwareBio at Booth #120

Stop by our booth (#120) to learn about MetwareBio's comprehensive suite of proteomics, metabolomics, lipidomics, and multiomics services. Our team of experts will be available to answer your questions, discuss your specific research needs, and explore how our cutting-edge technologies can accelerate your discoveries.

Poster Presentation

MetwareBio: Pioneering Mass Spectrometry Innovations for Advanced Metabolomics, Proteomics, and Cloud-Based Research Excellence

High Throughput MS I, Tuesday, June 4


MetwareBio pioneers groundbreaking advancements in mass spectrometry technology, orchestrating a comprehensive suite of innovations spanning LC-MS-based widely-targeted metabolomics, proteomics, and a robust cloud-based platform. At the core of this technological paradigm is the meticulous curation of an expanding metabolite database, supported by a proprietary detection methodology facilitating qualitative and quantitative analyses of diverse endogenous metabolites. MetwareBio's expertise is evident in its curated Widely-Targeted Metabolomics database, housing an extensive 280,000 metabolites amalgamated from in-house standards, integrated public databases, and an AI-driven repository using metDNA. In the realm of plant biology, MetwareBio has curated a database of over 30,000 plant primary and secondadry metabolites, making it one of the largest plant specific metabolite database. The widely-targeted detection method and the curated database together has been applied to over 25,000 studies.


In our proteomics studies, we employ the second-generation dual TIMS+ PASEF acquisition mode with the timsTOF HT, achieving significant improvements in data acquisition. This includes a 20-fold boost in sensitivity, approximately sixfold faster scanning speed, a fivefold increase in acquired spectra, and the identification of over 20% more proteins compared to conventional instruments. Our custom protein extraction methods, tailored to various sample types, enhance the detection of low-abundance proteins. The meticulous analysis of data based on mass-to-charge ratio, retention time, and ion mobility ensures highly accurate, reproducible quantitative results with fewer missing values. This approach enables the identification of a comprehensive set of over 10,000 proteins. Complementing these advancements, the Metware Cloud platform emerges as a versatile suite, featuring 50+ user-friendly tools with free access for data processing, differential analysis, functional enrichment, multi-omics association analysis, gene sequence analysis, and file format conversion. This integrated array of cutting-edge technologies positions MetwareBio as a trailblazer, empowering transformative research and analysis in the field of mass spectrometry.


For more information about the conference, please visit the official event website.
We look forward to meeting you in Anaheim and sharing our passion for advancing scientific research through mass spectrometry. See you there!

ASMS 2024 Poster-MetwareBio Pioneering Mass Spectrometry Innovations for Advanced Metabolomics, Proteomics, and Cloud-Based Research Excellence


Please submit a detailed description of your project. We will provide you with a customized project plan metabolomics services to meet your research requests. You can also send emails directly to support-global@metwarebio.com for inquiries.
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