
Post-Translational Modification Collection

Post-translational modifications (PTMs) are the subtle but powerful regulators of protein function, influencing everything from cellular signaling to gene expression. These chemical changes, which occur after protein synthesis, play a crucial role in determining a protein’s activity, stability, localization, and interactions. Mastering the complexities of PTMs is essential for unlocking the intricate mechanisms that drive biological processes and underlie many diseases.

In this Post-Translational Modification Collection, we explore the vast and intricate landscape of PTMs, providing a detailed examination of their mechanisms, functions, and the cutting-edge techniques used to study them. We begin with a comprehensive overview of PTMs' role in protein regulation, followed by an in-depth focus on key modifications such as phosphorylation, ubiquitination, glycosylation, hydroxylation, succinylation, methylation, and SUMOylation—each of which plays a crucial role in cellular function and regulation. For those with an interest in systems biology, we also spotlight multi-omics association analysis, showcasing how the integration of proteomics with PTM data can unlock deeper insights into complex biological networks.



For details on each topic, please refer to the blogs below:

1. The Hidden Regulators-An In-Depth Look at Post-Translational Modifications in Proteins

2. What is Phosphoproteomics-Decoding the Protein Phosphorylation Landscape

3. Phosphoproteomics in Action-Strategies for Investigating Protein Phosphorylation

4. Ubiquitination and Phosphorylation-The Dynamic Duo of Cellular Regulation

5. O-Linked Glycosylation Uncovered- Processes, Health Impacts, and Research Methods

6. Unveiling Protein Hydroxylation-Mechanisms, Functions, and Advanced Detection Methods

7. Protein Succinylation-A Key Post-Translational Modification

8. The Fine Art of Protein Methylation-Mechanisms, Impacts, and Analytical Techniques

9. Unveiling Protein SUMOylation-Key Mechanisms and Biological Significance

10. Epigenetic Modulators-How Histone Modifications Shape Gene Expression

11. Multi-Omics Association Analysis (I): Association Analysis of Proteomics and Modifications

12. Glycoproteomics: Revolutionizing Clinical Testing and Diagnosis

Whether you are new to the field or looking to expand your expertise, this collection provides valuable insights into the multifaceted world of PTMs and their profound impact on biology.


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